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Beit Yisrael International.
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Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel), Meditate and Realization of Chassidut Torah Teachings – our Strong foundation is based on Chabad teachings ( i.e The purpose of creation is to Bringing Heavens Down to Earth and to make Most High a dwelling place here on earth) and its pillars is based on the true concept of the Breslov Teachings ( in the context of Seventh Pillar of Tzaddik ) by following the Jewish Halacha Principles of Shulchan Aruch Halacha.

Beit Yisrael International focuses on the spiritual awakening and gathering of Ephraim/Exiled Souls, the lost sheep from the House of Israel from the Nations, through meditation and the realization of Chassidic Torah teachings. The organization is firmly grounded in the teachings of Chabad, emphasizing the purpose of creation as bringing the heavens down to earth and making the Most High a dwelling place in this world. The pillars of Beit Yisrael International are further enriched by the authentic teachings of Breslov, particularly in the context of the Seventh Pillar of the Tzaddik, while adhering to the principles of Jewish law as outlined in the Shulchan Aruch. Together, these foundations guide the mission of Beit Yisrael International in harmonizing spiritual life and Torah observance.

Bet Yisrael has no objection to people studying and learning from the New Testament, as long as they completely distance themselves from avoda zara (idolatry). The organization recognizes that the most important figure in the New Testament/Brit HadShah is a tzaddik (righteous person), and encourages this perspective while upholding the principles of Torah and true monotheism.

We understand that Maran Rabbeinu Jewish Pharsiee Chassidut Yeshua, the Ultimate Tzaddik of his generation (Tzaddik HaDor) in the Book of Tikkun Brit Hadshah (i.e., aspects of Mashiach ben Yosef), taught the inner soul of Torah teachings to the exiled souls among the nations.

Note: The Concept of Salvation being ‘not of Edom/Esav/Erev Rav,’ (the Darkness of this physical world) but, “of the Jews” (Light of Torah, Israel). Just as Noach was preserved through the Flood to bring renewal, the Israel people, through the Torah, serve as the bearers of divine light in a world often overshadowed by materialism and spiritual darkness. The ultimate redemption, brought by the Mashiach, will be a time when this divine light fully illuminates the world, leading all nations to recognize the truth of the Torah. -Writings of RED,

Tikkun Brit Hadshah: The Tikkun Brit Hadshah course material has been thoughtfully crafted by Bet Yisrael International, led by Gaddi Efrayim, with insights on the connection of Tikkun Brit Hadshah within the Torah Framework of Chassidut. Drawing from the profound wisdom of the Sages' writings, these notes provide a framework for tikkun (repair) of Brit Hadshah within the Torah, offering deep reflections and interpretations to enrich one's understanding. The course is grounded in the authentic teachings of Maran Rabbeinu, the Pharisee Chassidut Jewish Yeshua HaTzaddik, whose Light of Torah insights illuminate the path for the 70 nations to worship the Creator.


Our Great Responsibility Includes:

  • Ingathering of Exile souls who are scattered among the 70 Nations
  • Restoration of 12 tribes of Yisrael
  • Return to the Authentic Chassidut Torah Teachings
  • Renewed Covenant between Judah and Ephraim
  • Support and Reestablishment of Sanhedrin, Judges, and Elders
  • Rebuilding the tabernacle of David
  • The Return of the ''Shekinah'' to the Restored Temple
  • Rebuilding Jerusalem and the Beit HaMikdash
  • Tikkun Adam Corresponds to Mashiach Ben David
  • Tikkun Olam (Repair of the World) – Corresponds to Mashiach ben Yosef
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Note: The Holy One Blessed Be He! We Worship and Pray to the Most Ancient Holy one of Yisrael...

Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) likes to become as an organization the forerunners of The Righteous of the Nations...


Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) likes to become as an organization the forerunners of The Righteous of the Nations (i.e., Nation of Ephraim/House of Yisrael) who like to become united with the Jews (House of Yehuda).


Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) hope to see the quick establishment of the complete Jewish Sanhedrin.

Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) hope to see that, on our days, the Jewish Sanhedrin establish the Jewish Leviim and Kohanim on the Har HaBayit, completely restoring their service by building the Temple.

A Sanhedrin who ’guide’ the government..,
A Sanhedrin who ’orders’ complete Jewish security.....,
A Sanhedrin who ’orders’ the re-institution of Kohanim and Levieim.....,
A Sanhedrin who ’orders’ the building of the Temple by bringing back The A-aron Kodesh.....,
A Sanhedrin who ’orders’, the government to declare complete Jewish Sovereignty in all area’s West of the Jordan River.....,
A Sanhedrin who ’orders’ the Kohanim to anoint a Jewish King/High Priest/Messiah.....,


Beit Israel International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) hopes to see that the Return of the ''Shekinah'' to the Restored Temple in our days.

The Return of the ’’Shekinah’’ to the Restored Temple:Mishnah tractate Avot (3:2), which reads, “But Two who are sitting together and there are words of Torah [spoken],Between them, the Divine Presence [Shekhinah] rests with them.” The unity of Israel, all being as one, is the preparation and condition for the ultimate redemption. When all of you will be a singular band… Israel will be redeemed when they shall be a singular band, as it is said, ‘In those days and in that time, says G d, the children of Israel shall come, they and the children of Judah together…’ (Jeremiah 50:4); and it is said, ‘In those days, the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel, and they shall come together from the land of the north to the land I have given as a legacy to your fathers’ (Jeremiah 3:18). When they are bound together they shall receive the Face of the Shekhinah!


Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) aims to take upon itself the complete Code of Jewish law - Jewish Halacha...


Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) needs a רב משג’’ח כשרות (A kashrut supervisor). For them it is impossible, to expensive, to buy food from Israel with a good ‘Kosher-label’. They are Praying that Hashem sends them a רב משג’’ח כשרות, who shall ‘train’ them in kosher slaughter and sorting out all kind of food and give them a certificate so that their food can be labeled like that they do that in Israel for all Israelites.
Beit Yisrael International (Ephraim, The Lost sheep from the House of Israel) Prayer and Hope is to develop into mighty nation, ready to be accepted in the (coming) restored King David Empire (with a complete Sanhedrin, Restored Temple and her Service with an anointed King Messiah), their entrance into Eretz Yisrael. But until the coming of the King David Empire: All the gates to the Har HaBait must be opened for the Jews seven days in the week 24 hours a day. The Jews must have the freedom to go with Tefillin, Tallit and Torah Scroll up on the Mountain to serve Hashem. The Har HaBait must become completely under Jewish Security and to be open (under Jewish guidance) for all peoples. All areas West of the Jordan River has to be completely Jewish (Judah) Sovereign.


A must-read and guiding line: To go through every step of the 42 steps in our diaspora until we reach Eretz Yisrael, the unification of Yehuda and Ephraim, when the Jews start to build The Temple and Restoring her Temple Service.


Master of the World, My Abba, You are the Most Ancient Holy One of Yisrael who dwells between the cherubim and Blessed are you, O Adonai our Elohim and Elohim of our ancestors, Elohim of Abraham, Elohim of Isaac, and Elohim of Jacob, the great, mighty, and revered Elohim, the most high Elohim, who graciously gives loving-kindness. You create all things; You remember the pious actions of the patriarchs, and in love will bring a redeemer for their children’s children for Your Name’s sake. O King, Helper, Savior, and Shield. Blessed are You, O Adonai, the Protector of Abraham. Blessed are You, Elohim Adoneniu King of the universe, Who chose us from all the nations and gave us your Torah. Blessed are You, Elohim, the Giver of the Torah. May it be Your Will, Elohim Adoneniu and Elohim of our fathers, that the BeitHaMikdash be built speedily in our days and that You grant us our portion in Your Torah. My Request Prayers: Speedily cause the offspring of Your servant David to flourish and enhance his power through Your salvation, for we hope for Your salvation all the day. May you reveal the Righteous Mashiach in our Days. May it be Your Will, Elohim Adoneniu that the Levites and Cohanim who are living today in EretzYisrael (West of the Jordan River) may be blessed and be guided, by You, in preparation for rebuilding the Temple and instituting her service again.


It is for all Beit Yisrael International members the way to go online torah university to understand the concept of redemption and Awaiting for the Heavenly Mashiach , Anticipating The Coming of the Righteous Mashiach Ben David in our days


Awaiting for the Heavenly Mashiach The Mashiach you are expecting will never come; the Mashiach that is coming you never expected. -Yiddish Proverb

Sages Witness: The Lubavitcher Rebbe R. Menachem Mendel Schneerson 1902-1994- “I have done everything I can [to bring Moshiach]; now I am giving it over to you.” (Sicha Chof Ches Nissan 5751- 1991) - Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Rebbe Nachman of Breslev.- Rabbi Nachman was the great grandson of Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov of righteous memory- THE SEVENTH PILLAR: THE TZADDIK- The Tzaddik is the foundation of the world” (Proverbs 10:25).



  • 1.Unification of Above Yerushalayim and below Yerushalayim(The Holy One Blessed be He made the Jerusalem of the lower level that is the Nukva, like the supernal Jerusalem above that is Binah.) The upper Jerusalem (corresponding to Binah) and there is the lower Jerusalem (corresponding to Malchut) for it is held above and held below
  • 2.Unification of Heavens and Earth- bringing heavens down to earth with holiness that our Abba may dwell within us.
  • 3.Unification of Judah and Yosef/Efrayim/Israel-THE REUNIFICATION OF EPHRAIM AND JUDAH they are all brought back into a unity (echad)
  • 4.Unification of body and soul
  • 5.Unification of bride and bridegroom-masculine(Zachar) and feminine(Nukva)- In the language of The Zohar, Malchut is called “earth” and Bina (Ima) “heaven.” In The Zohar, Zeir Anpin and Malchut are also referred to respectively as Shochen and Shechina , the Creator (Kadosh Baruch Hu) and the gathering of the souls of Israel, the Groom and the Bride, the Masculine and the Feminine parts (Zachar and Nukva). Every one of these components of reality receives many names from The Zohar in the language of the legends (Midrash). The first unification is ”that day” the unity of Below with Above [malchut and bina].
  • 6.Unification of Zeir Anpin(Tiferet) and Nukva-the coupling of Abba and Imma, so that intellect descends [from them] to [Zeir Anpin and Nukva]- The World of Atzilut divides into five parts: Keter, Hochma, Bina, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut that are called Atik, Arich Anpin, Aba ve Ima, Zeir Anpin, and Malchut (Nukva). This Malchut is also called the “gathering of the souls of Israel” because it incorporates all the souls that wish to become “Isra-El” (“straight to the Creator”), that is, to ascend to the World of Infinity.
  • 7.Unification of the Supernal Shechinah is Imma and the Lower Shechinah is Nukva.

A must-read and guiding line: To go through every step of the 42 steps* in our diaspora until we reach Eretz Yisrael, the unification of Yehuda and Ephraim, when the Jews start to build The Temple and Restoring her Temple Service.*42 Journeys of the Soul The Messianic age will elevate the entire universe, including all the spiritual realms. From the teachings of Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi; adapted by Yitzchak Wagshul

Our souls are bearing the ‘sparks’ (divine aspects) of Messiah.

  • It is forbidden to pray to bow down to any other (god), and/or messiah, and/or before any image or to lift up a human being as a god…… or to put any other (god), and/or messiah, and/or any image before or instead or between HaShem and us. (”It suf”)
  • “The redemption will come about only through the study of the Torah. And the essential redemption depends upon the study of the Kabbalah” According to: R. ELIYAHU, THE VILNA GAON (Evven Shelemah (a ‘complete, without defect stone’) 11:3)
  • When Yehuda and Ephraim come to unity (again) Messiah Ben Joseph ‘died‘ and Messiah Ben David shall be revealed and anointed by the Israeli people as the Messiah-King of Israel. As YeshaYahu is teaching:
  • Isa 11:9 – 16 They do no evil nor destroy in all My set-apart mountain, for the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of Adonai as the waters cover the sea.
  • Rashi: knowledge of the Lord: [lit.] to know the Lord.
  • 10.And on that day, there shall be a Root of Yishai, standing as a banner to the people. Unto Him the nations shall seek, and His rest shall be esteem. Rashi: as a banner for peoples: that peoples should raise a banner to gather to him
  • 11. And it shall be in that day that Adonai sets His hand again a second time to recover the remnant of His people who are left, from Ashshur and from Mitsrayim, from Pathros and from Kush, from Ěylam and from Shin‛ar, from Ḥamath and from the islands of the sea.
  • Rashi: a second time: Just as he acquired them from Egypt, when their redemption was absolute, without subjugation, but the redemption preceding the building of the Second Temple is not counted, since they were subjugated to Cyrus.
  • and from the islands of the sea: the islands of the Kittim, the Romans, the descendants of Esau.And he shall raise a banner: Perka, perche in O.F. [i.e., the verse is literally referring to the pole upon which the banner is attached.] And it shall be for a sign to gather to him and to bring the exiles of Israel to Him as a present.
  • 12. And He shall raise a banner for the nations, and gather the outcasts of Yisra’ěl, and assemble the dispersed of Yehuḏa from the four corners of the earth.
  • 13. And the envy of Ephrayim shall turn aside, and the adversaries of Yehuḏa be cut off. Ephrayim shall not envy Yehuḏa, and Yehuḏa not trouble Ephrayim.
  • Rashi: Ephraim shall not envy Judah: The Messiah, the son of David, and the Messiah, the son of Joseph, shall not envy each other.
  • 14. But they shall fly down upon the shoulder of the Philistines toward the west; together they plunder the people of the east, their hand stretching forth on Eḏom and Mo’aḇ, and the children of Ammon shall be subject to them.
  • Rashi: And they shall fly of one accord against the Philistines in the west: Heb. בְכָתֵף. Israel will fly and run of one accord against the Philistines who are in the west of Eretz Israel and conquer their land. [כָּתֵף, lit. a shoulder, is used in this case to denote unity. The word שֶׁכֶם, also lit. a shoulder, is used in a similar sense.] Comp. (Hoshea 6:9) “They murder on the way in unison (שֶׁכְמָה) ”; (Zeph. 3:9) “One accord (שְׁכֶם אֶחָד).” And so did Jonathan rendered it: And they shall join in one accord to smite the Philistines who are in the west.and the children of Ammon shall obey them: As the Targum states: Will hearken to them. They will accept their commandments over them.
  • 15. And Adonai shall put under the ban the tongue of the Sea of Mitsrayim, and He shall wave His hand over the River with the might of His Spirit, and shall strike it in the seven streams, and shall cause men to tread it in sandals.
  • Rashi: And… shall dry up: [lit. shall cut off] to dry it, so that the exiles of Israel will pass through it from Egypt. over the river: The Euphrates River, for the exiles from Assyria to cross. with the strength of His wind: Heb. בַּעְיָם. This is hapax legomenon in Scripture, and according to the context it can be interpreted as “with the strength of His wind.” into seven streams: into seven segments, for the aforementioned seven exiles: from Assyria and from Egypt, etc. Those from the islands of the sea are not from that side.and He shall lead: the exiles within it.with shoes: on dry land.
  • 16. And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people, those left from Ashshur, as it was for Yisrael in the day when he came up from the land of Mitsrayim.
  • Rashi: And there shall be a highway: in the midst of the water for the remnant of His people. Please Judah if a righteous gentile tries ‘to grasp your ‘tsi-sit’ and say: ”Let me go with you, for I have heard that G-d is with you.” Open your heart for him/her and share all our Torah. The Torah of Moshe Rabbeinu as it is written and spared and is teaches in the Tanach and all scripture books and commentaries of Rabbis and Sages and Chazal Teachings.

Bet Yisrael International From Gaddi and Ariel, Many Blessings to all the ShneymAsarHaShevatim (Twelve Tribes) in the Golus, Shalom!!!

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